OWCP-CNSI Virtual Help Session

OWCP-CNSI will host Virtual Help Session on Friday April 14th from 11 am to 1 pm ET.
Providers will have an opportunity to join the call to ask general questions regarding the medical bill processing system including enrollment, authorization submission, billing, and web portal features. Providers will be able to gain insight on helpful information, available tools and to request further assistance.

If you are interested in joining, please click this link to register. Attendee name and email are required to register for the event. Once entered, you will receive an invitation with a link to join the event.

Tips for the Virtual Help Session call:

  • Please refrain from referencing specific claimant information or disclosing other protected health information (PHI) during the call
  • Participants can participate via voice or chat during the session
  • The help session will be memorialized via recording and/or transcription to ensure all questions and issues are captured
  • Providers are not required to attend for the duration of the call

We welcome the opportunity to connect with you!

If you need any technical assistance prior to or during the call, please contact WCMBP_TRAINING@cns-inc.com for help.

OWCP DEEOIC Authorization Improvement

Effective April 1, 2023, DEEOIC will implement process improvements for General Medical (GM), Transplant, and Transportation (Medical Travel) authorization requests.

Providers will be able to view the line status of an Authorization Request, including the new status of "Processed - Awaiting Decision," when the authorization line is under DEEOIC review. The status will be updated when a decision has been made by DEEOIC.

There is no change to the process of submitting authorization requests via the online Medical Bill Processing Portal or via the authorization request forms.

Please note that if any changes are necessary for an existing General Medical, Transplant, or Transportation authorization, the provider can submit a new Authorization Request.

For additional information, contact our Call Center at the number listed below, where a Call Center representative will be happy to assist you.

  • Division of Energy Employees' Occupational Illness Compensation
    (DEEOIC) 1-866-272-2682

Ambulatory Surgical Center Services

Ambulatory Surgical Centers should bill for facility charges on the OWCP-1500 using the appropriate AMA CPT® code(s) for the primary, secondary, tertiary, etc. procedures and should use the "SG" modifier with each CPT® code.

Medical Providers – Effective May 13, Supporting Medical Documentation Required!

Effective May 13, 2023, the Division of Coal Miner Workers’ Compensation Program (DCMWC) will require medical providers and facilities to submit supporting medical documentation for services they provide to claimants for their covered black lung conditions. You must attach supporting medical documentation when you submit a Health Care Finance Administration form (HCFA-1500) for professional services rendered in a physician’s office, or a Uniform Medical Billing form (UB-04) for all hospital services except non-emergency services of 24 hours or less (for which you may use either form).

The provider submitting the reimbursement form is responsible for attaching sufficient supporting documentation to substantiate the medical services or supplies billed. The supporting documentation must be attached to the bill submission and must support the billing codes submitted on the reimbursement form. All medical services provided to DCMWC claimants must be documented in the submitted supporting documentation, including the date of service, the miner’s name and date of birth, and a signature of the rendering provider that is both legible and time/date stamped.

More information on how to upload and submit bills and attachments through the Workers Compensation Medical Bill Portal’s Direct Data Entry function is available at https://owcpmed.dol.gov/. This link also has training tutorials to help you get familiar with the entire process.

Please review examples of required supporting documentation that should be attached to bills. For additional details please refer to our letter to enrolled providers.

If you have any questions, regarding the contents of this letter, please contact DCMWC’s medical bill processing vendor at 1-800-638-7072.