New Correspondence for Provider Update Requests
Effective April 05, 2025, OWCP providers will receive letters stating the outcome of the request to update their provider information. In addition, providers will receive an email alerting them that the letter is available on the OWCP Medical Bill Processing portal.
Please refer to the Correspondence Tips at for helpful information on viewing available correspondence.
Providers have the option to opt-out of mailed correspondence.
For questions, contact our Call Center at the applicable phone number listed below, where a representative will be happy to assist you.
- Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC):
1-800-638-7072 - Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC):
1-866-272-2682 - Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC):
OWCP update for Online Bill Attestation
Effective February 22, 2025, OWCP providers submitting bills online using the direct data entry (DDE) feature are required to acknowledge an attestation statement for institutional and dental bills.
After entering your bill and selecting the Submit Bill button, the attestation statement will appear in a separate window. Providers must review and select the checkbox to acknowledge the attestation statement.
This attestation statement has been in place for professional bills as of November 16, 2024, and now has been extended to institutional and dental bills.
Be sure to allow pop-ups on your internet browser for the WCMBP portal If you do not see the separate window after selecting the Submit Bill button, return to the portal menu and select the Retrieve Saved Bills option to locate your saved bill and submit.
For questions, contact our Call Center at the applicable phone number listed below, where a representative will be happy to assist you.
Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC):
Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC):
Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC):
OWCP Bill Processing Improvement for Reactivated Providers
Effective February 22, 2025, the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) will automatically reprocess denied bills for services provided by reactivated OWCP providers during their inactive status.
If the OWCP provider number submitted on a bill is not active for the billed dates of services, then the provider should submit the required documentation to reactivate their provider file. When the provider is reactivated, the denied bills will be reprocessed if the following conditions apply:
- The denial occurred within the past six months from reactivation
- The denial is for Explanation of Benefits (EOB) Edit 50424
- No other denial EOB edits applied to the bill
Please note that additional denied EOB edits may be posted during reprocessing. Providers are encouraged to use to the EOB Reference Guide to find additional steps and resources to review and rectify the EOB bill denials. Please visit to view the guide.
For questions, contact our Call Center at the phone number listed below, where a Call Center representative will be happy to assist you.
Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC):
Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC):
Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC):
OWCP update for OWCP-1500 Bill Attestation
Effective November 16, 2024, OWCP providers submitting bills online are required to acknowledge an attestation statement for each professional bill.
After entering your bill through the WCMBP portal and selecting the Submit Bill button, a checkbox will appear with corresponding language in the Submitted Professional Bill Details alert window. Providers must review and select the checkbox to acknowledge the attestation statement before submitting the professional bill. This acknowledgement is required only for professional bills at this time.
If you do not see the alert window after selecting the Submit Bill button, be sure to allow pop-ups on your internet browser for the WCMBP portal, then go to the Retrieve Saved Bills option on the portal menu to access your bill.
For questions, contact our Call Center at the applicable phone number listed below, where a representative will be happy to assist you.
Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC):
Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC):
Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC):
OWCP Utilization Review Edits for Services on the Same Day
On January 11, 2025, the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) will implement new utilization review edits to limit billing for services performed on the same date of service.
This utilization review will apply to three OWCP Programs: DCMWC, DEEOIC, and DFEC.
The EOB descriptions for each edit will appear on the remittance voucher (RV) with the following verbiage:
Coverage/program guidelines were exceeded: Exceeds number/frequency approved/allowed within the time period.
New limits have been defined for the following services:
EOB Number | Applicable Procedure Codes | Utilization Review |
80432 | 98970, 98971, 98972 | Assessment is allowed once per day, per same servicing provider NPI |
80434 | 99441, 99442, 99443 | Telephone evaluation is allowed once per day, per same servicing provider NPI |
80435 | 99374, 99375 | Home health agency service is allowed once per day, per same servicing provider NPI |
80436 | 99377, 99378 | Hospice service is allowed once per day, per same servicing provider NPI |
80437 | 99379, 99380 | Nursing facility is allowed once per day, per same servicing provider NPI |
80438 | 98966, 98967, 98968 | Telephone assessment is allowed once per day, per same servicing provider NPI |
80439 | 99421, 99422, 99423 | Online digital evaluation is allowed once per day, per same servicing provider NPI |
80440 | 99446, 99447, 99448, 99449 | Interprofessional EHR assessment is allowed once per day, per same servicing provider NPI |
80441 | 99231, 99232, 99233 | Subsequent hospital inpatient or observation care service is allowed once per day, per same servicing provider NPI |
80442 | 99234, 99235, 99236 | Hospital inpatient or observation care service is allowed once per day, per same servicing provider NPI |
For questions, contact our Call Center at the applicable phone number listed below, where a representative will be happy to assist you.
- Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC): 1-800-638-7072
- Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC): 1-866-272-2682
- Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC): 1-844-493-1966
OWCP Billing Requirement for Claimant Information
Effective January 10, 2025, the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) will require OWCP claimant information on all bill submissions.
Professional, institutional, and dental bills must include either the claimant’s OWCP case number or their Social Security Number (SSN) and date of birth (DOB). If FECA bills are submitted with the SSN and DOB, then the claimant’s date of injury (DOI) must be included. Click here to view the Filling Out a Claim Form tips document for more information.
If bills are received without the claimant’s OWCP case number or SSN and DOB, then the bills will be returned to the provider.
OWCP’s Case Lookup feature is available on the Workers’ Compensation Medical Bill Processing (WCMBP) portal. Refer to the following tutorial for instructions on how to use the case lookup tool: Verify Claimant Eligibility (updated 05/23/2024).
Billing instructions are available in the following resources:
Online Bill Entry (Web Portal Direct Data Entry): Refer to the Enter Bills Online tutorial.
Mail (paper form): Refer to the billing instructions for each claim form by visiting the OWCP Forms and References page, selecting the OWCP Program (DCMWC, DEEOIC, or DFEC), and then selecting the OWCP-1500, OWCP-04, or ADA Dental forms.
EDI (HIPAA 837s): Refer to the updated 837 Companion Guide.
For questions, contact our Call Center at the phone number listed below, where a Call Center representative will be happy to assist you.
Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC):
Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC):
Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC):
OWCP Online Provider Enrollment Enhancements November 2024
As of November 16, 2024, the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) added the following enhancements to the Workers’ Compensation Medical Bill Processing (WCMBP) online direct data entry (DDE) provider enrollment application:
- Providers can sort steps by Required vs Optional by selecting the column header.
- Providers can modify or remove associated taxonomy under the Taxonomy step.
- Online enrollments no longer require a signed ACH form, as previously required.
For questions, contact our Call Center at the applicable phone number listed below, where a representative will be happy to assist you.
Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC):
Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC):
Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC):
OWCP New Utilization Review Edits
Effective October 26, 2024, the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) will implement new utilization review to assign limits for specific services.
This utilization review will apply to three OWCP Programs: FECA (DFEC), DCMWC, DEEOIC.
New limits have been defined for the following services:
EOB Number | EOB Description | Applicable Procedure Codes | Utilization Review |
80429 | Coverage/program guidelines were exceeded: Exceeds number/frequency approved/allowed within the time period. | 99490, 99491, 99487, 99474, 99454, 99091, 99457 | Procedures are limited to 1 unit per 30 days. |
80430 | Lifetime benefit maximum has been reached: This service is paid only once in a patient’s lifetime. | 99473, 99453 | Blood pressure and physiological monitoring device limited to 1 per lifetime. |
80431 | Coverage/program guidelines were exceeded: Exceeds number/frequency approved/allowed within the time period. | L0140 | Cervical collar limited to 2 units per 365 days. |
For questions, contact our Call Center at the applicable phone number listed below, where a representative will be happy to assist you.
- Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC):
1-800-638-7072 - Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC):
1-866-272-2682 - Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC):
UPDATED: OWCP Requirement for Billing NPI
Effective August 24, 2024, providers will be required to submit billing NPI when billing for services provided to injured or ill workers for the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP). Professional and institutional bills submitted without the billing NPI after August 24,2024 will be denied.
Note: Providers are strongly encouraged to submit the billing taxonomy.
Billing NPI is not required for OWCP bills submitted from providers such as non-medical vendors, fiscal intermediaries, and non-emergency transportation.
- 33 Contract Medical Consultant
- 41 Contract Nurse
- 43 Taxi
- 44 Public Transportation & Private Transportation
- 53 Non-Medical Vendor
- 55 Vocational Rehabilitation (Training, Tuition and Schools)
- 56 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
- 57 Rehabilitation Maintenance
- 58 Assisted Re-employment
- 59 Relocation Expenses
- 61 Second Opinion Contractor
- 80 Pay-to-Intermediary
- 89 Federal Facility (VA Hospital)
- 94 Boarding House
- 95 Insurance Company (Third Party Carriers)
- 97 Billing Agent
- 98 Lien holder
Online Bill Entry (web portal direct data entry): Refer to the Direct Data Entry Billing Tutorial for instructions and examples.
Mail (paper form): Refer to the billing instructions for each claim form by visiting the OWCP Forms and References page and selecting the OWCP Program (DCMWC, DEEOIC, or DFEC).
Additional Reminders:
For the Health Insurance Claim Form (OWCP-1500):
- Enter billing information in Box 33. Billing provider NPI must be entered in Box 33a. Enter billing taxonomy in Box 33b.
- Be sure to enter your OWCP Provider ID in Box 33 per the form instructions. Do not enter your 9-digit billing OWCP provider ID using Box 33b.
- Enter servicing facility information in Box 32. Enter servicing facility NPI in Box 32a and servicing facility taxonomy in Box 32b.
- Enter servicing (rendering) provider information in Box 24J. Enter servicing (rendering) NPI in the unshaded area of Box 24J and servicing (rendering) taxonomy in the shaded area of Box 24J.
For Uniform Health Insurance Claim Form (OWCP-04):
- Billing provider NPI must be entered in Box 56. Enter billing taxonomy in Box 81CCa.
- Enter attending (servicing) provider NPI in Box 76 and attending (servicing) taxonomy in Box 81CCb.
For ADA Dental Claim Forms:
- Billing provider NPI should be entered in Box 49. Enter billing taxonomy in Box 52a.
- Enter treating (servicing) NPI in Box 54 and treating (servicing) taxonomy in Box 56a.
EDI (HIPAA 837s): Refer to the updated 837 Companion Guide.
- 837 file segment details for billing provider NPI and taxonomy
NPI or Taxonomy 837 File Segment NPI Loop – 2010AA
Segment – NM1
NM108: Identification Code Qualifier = XX (REQUIRED)
NM109: Identification Code Qualifier = NPI (REQUIRED)Taxonomy Loop – 2000A
Segment – PRV
PRV01: BI (Billing)
PRV 01 is required if PRV loop is present
PRV02: PXC (Qualifier for taxonomy code)
PRV02 is required if PRV01 is present
PRV03: Provider taxonomy code
PRV03 is required if PRV02 is present
Example: PRV✽BI✽PXC✽207Q00000X~ - 837 file segment details for servicing provider NPI and taxonomy
Claim Type Location NPI or Taxonomy 837 File Segment Professional/Dental Header NPI Loop: 2310B — RENDERING PROVIDER NAME
Segment: NM1✽82
NM108: Identification Code Qualifier = XX
NM109: NPI
NM109 is required when NM108 is available
Example : NM1✽82✽1✽DOE✽JANE✽C✽✽✽XX✽1234567804~Taxonomy Loop: 2310B - RENDERING PROVIDER SPECIALTY INFORMATION
Segment: PRV
PRV01: PE (Performing)
PRV01 is required if PRV loop is present
PRV02: PXC (Qualifier for taxonomy code)
PRV02 is required if PRV01 is present
PRV03: Provider taxonomy code
PRV03 is required if PRV02 is present
Example: PRV✽PE✽PXC✽1223G0001X~Line NPI Loop: 2420A — RENDERING PROVIDER NAME
Segment: NM1✽82
NM108: Identification Code Qualifier = XX
NM109: Identification Code Qualifier = NPI
NM109 is required when NM108 is available
Example: NM1✽82✽1✽DOE✽JANE✽C✽✽✽✽XX✽1234567804~Taxonomy Loop: 2420A — RENDERING PROVIDER SPECIALTY INFORMATION
Segment: PRV
PRV01: PE (Performing)
PRV01 is required if PRV loop is present
PRV02: PXC (Qualifier for taxonomy code)
PRV02 is required if PRV01 is present
PRV03: Provider taxonomy code
PRV03 is required if PRV02 is present
Example: PRV✽PE✽PXC✽208D00000X~Institutional Header NPI Loop: 2310A - ATTENDING PROVIDER NAME
Segment: NM1✽71
NM108: Identification Code Qualifier = XX
NM109: Identification Code Qualifier = NPI
NM109 is required when NM108 is available
Example: NM1✽71✽1✽JONES✽JOHN✽✽✽✽XX✽1234567891~Taxonomy Loop: 2310A - ATTENDING PROVIDER SPECIALTY INFORMATION
Segment: PRV
PRV01: AT (Attending)
PRV01 is required if PRV loop is present
PRV02: PXC (Qualifier for taxonomy code)
PRV02 is required if PRV01 is present
PRV03: Provider taxonomy code
PRV03 is required if PRV02 is present
Example: PRV✽AT✽PXC✽208D00000X~
Messaging will appear on your remittance voucher to alert you of any NPI or taxonomy information that is missing or does not match your provider file.
For questions, contact our Call Center at the applicable phone number listed below, where a representative will be happy to assist you.
Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC):
Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC):
Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC):
OWCP Enhancement to Upload Bill Attachments
Effective October 05, 2024, the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) providers will have the ability to add supporting documentation using the Workers’ Compensation Medical Bill Processing (WCMBP) portal for “In Process” bills. Adding attachments before the final adjudication of the bill allows providers to provide additional information to aid in bill approval, reducing the need for adjustments.
Providers can view this option on the WCMBP portal under Bill Inquiry and then navigating to the Bill Detail page. If a bill status is “In Process,” then the View/Add Attachment button will be available at the top left of the page.
Providers can select the button to upload attachments. More than one attachment is allowed. Each attachment cannot exceed 10 MB.
Please note that if the bill has been finalized, adding attachments is no longer allowed. This error message will appear upon attempting to upload attachments: “The bill processing is complete and additional attachments cannot be added.” In this case, the provider can refer to the final bill adjudication on the Remittance Voucher to determine whether to submit an adjustment for paid or partially paid bills or to resubmit for denied bills.
Refer to the Direct Data Entry Billing Tutorial or the Bill Adjustment Tutorial for instructions and examples.
For questions, contact our Call Center at the applicable phone number listed below, where a representative will be happy to assist you.
Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC):
Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC):
Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC):
OWCP Authorization Correction Status Improvement
Effective August 24, 2024, the Office of Workers’ Compensation (OWCP) Division will enhance the Workers’ Compensation Medical Bill Processing (WCMBP) authorization submission page to better reflect when an authorization correction request has been approved.
Currently, if a correction request is approved, then the approved correction request is updated to Cancelled status, and the approved authorization changes are reflected in the original authorization request.
In the new process, if a correction request is approved, then the approved correction request will then change to Corrected status and the approved authorization changes will be reflected in the original authorization request.
The steps to submit an authorization correction request for OWCP review will remain the same. Refer to the Submitting an Authorization Correction quick reference guide (QRG) for more information.
For additional information, contact our Call Center at the applicable numbers listed below, where a representative will be happy to assist you.
Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC): 1-866-272-2682
Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC): 1-844-493-1966
Updated OWCP-915 and DEEOIC Auth Forms Now Available
Updated versions of the OWCP-915 claimant reimbursement and DEEOIC authorization request forms are now available and have an expiration date of 07/31/2027. Please begin using the updated forms for any claimant reimbursement or DEEOIC authorization requests. Forms are available at To access the OWCP-915, please select the respective program (DCMWC, DEEOIC, or DFEC) at the top of the Forms and References page. To access the DEEOIC authorization request forms, please select the DEEOIC program at the top of the Forms and References page.
DCMWC Transfer Outstanding Debts to CRS
Effective August 24, 2024, the Division of Coal Mine Workers’ Compensation (DCMWC) will initiate a recoupment process in conjunction with the Treasury Department to recover outstanding provider debts owed to the Federal Black Lung Program.
Currently, the Federal Black Lung Program automatically recoups the full amount owed from current and future provider payments until the debt is paid in full.
On or after August 24, 2024, if the debt remains unpaid after 120 days from the Remittance Voucher (RV) overpayment notice, the account balance will be sent to the Centralized Receivables Service (CRS) for collections.
If you have an inquiry or concern regarding the Remittance Voucher (RV) overpayment notice, please submit the RV overpayment notice and all supporting documentation to the following address:
Division of Coal Miner Workers’ Compensation (DCWMC)
General Correspondence
P.O. Box 8307
London, Kentucky 40742-8307
For questions, contact our Call Center at the phone number listed below, where a Call Center representative will be happy to assist you.
Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC): 1-800-638-7072
DFEC Surgical Package Authorization Procedure Codes
The Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC) requires that valid surgical procedure codes be submitted for surgical package authorization requests. The valid surgical code range is 10021 – 69990.
Non-surgical procedure codes cannot be submitted on a surgical package authorization request. Mailed or faxed surgical package authorization requests submitted with non-surgical procedure codes will be returned to the provider (RTP’d).
Non-surgical procedure codes can be submitted on an alternative authorization request template, such as General Medical. Please see our Authorizations Introduction page for templates and tutorials:
For additional information, contact our Call Center at the number listed below, where a Call Center representative will be happy to assist you.
Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC): 1-844-493-1966
OWCP Procedure Code and Modifier Combination for Eligibility and Authorization Submission
Effective July 13, 2024, the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) will enhance the Workers’ Compensation Medical Bill Processing (WCMBP) eligibility inquiry and authorization submission pages with new messaging to inform users if the procedure code is covered or not covered with a certain modifier.
The eligibility inquiry messaging is applicable to the DCMWC, DEEOIC, and DFEC programs.
The authorization submission messaging is applicable to DEEOIC and DFEC.
The message will be updated to include the following scenarios:
- Procedure code and modifier combination is not covered.
- Procedure code must be submitted with modifier to be covered.
- Procedure code/modifier combination are not covered, but procedure code and other modifier combination are covered.
For additional information, contact our Call Center at the applicable numbers listed below, where a Call Center representative will be happy to assist you.
Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC): 1-800-638-7072
Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC): 1-866-272-2682
Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC): 1-844-493-1966