Uploading Relative Value Units

As RVU rates change, update, additions and deletions can occur as directed by DOL.  Through this process, technical users will review, test, and upload the RVU data into the section of the WCMBP System.  This process ensures accurate bill payment.  Non-technical user can use this section to verify a procedure or revenue code and if the coded is added to the RVU file

To upload Relative Value Units:

  1. In the Rate Settings tab, Select the Procedure RVU hyperlink.

The system displays the Manage Proc RVU Rates list page.

  1. From the Filter By drop-down menu, select a filter, enter a search term in the adjacent text box (a required field), and select Go.

For example, from the Filter By drop-down list, select Procedure Code and enter a wildcard search value (that is, %) in the adjacent text box, and then select Go.

The system displays an updated Manage Proc RVU Rates list page with records that match the filter criteria you entered.

  1. Select the Upload Rates button.

The Attachment dialog page is displayed.

  1. Select the calendar icon in the Effective Start Date field to choose the effective start date.

  2. Select the Choose File button to navigate to the file to be uploaded.

The file must be in Excel (.xlsx) format. The system will not upload any other file format.

  1. Select the OK button.

The file is uploaded, and the system displays the Manage Proc RVU list page. The system also generates a Batch File Instance Number.

Note:If the file upload fails due to metadata, data integrity issues, or some other reason, then you can correct the file and re-upload.
The files must be uploaded in the respective chronological sequence that is assigned to the files (for example, 2017, 2018, and 2019, respectively). If the files are not uploaded in sequence, then a sequence validation error is displayed.

Related Topics

Procedure RVU

Viewing Procedure RVUs

Managing Procedure RVU Details

Adding Procedure RVU Rate Detail

Approving Procedure RVU Rates

Rejecting Procedure RVU Rates