Managing Procedure RVU Details

The RVU Rates for procedure and revenue codes are updated periodically throughout a fiscal year. During that time approved users can add, modify, and delete procedure and/or revenue codes as directed by DOL. Although this area is updated by the technical team, non-technical end users can use this area to see if and a particular procedure or revenue code has been changed, and when pricing changes occurred.

To Manage Procedure RVUs:

  1. In the Rate Settings tab, Select the Procedure RVU hyperlink.

The system displays the Manage Proc RVU Rates list page.

  1. From the Filter By drop-down menu, select a filter, enter a search term in the adjacent text box (a required field), and select Go.

For example, from the Filter By drop-down list, select Work RVU and enter a wildcard search value (that is, %) in the adjacent text box, and then select Go.

The system displays an updated Manage Proc RVU Rates list page with records that match the filter criteria you entered.

  1. Select the right-facing arrow to view the details page you want view.

The system displays the Manage RVU Rate Detail page.

Note: Only the following fields can be modified from the Manage RVU Rate Detail page:

Start Date

End Date

Work RVU


Facility PE RVU

Non-Facility PE RVU

Conversion Factor



  1. Modify the necessary fields and click Save.

The system saves the changes and displays the Manage Proc RVU Rates list page.

Related Topics

Procedure RVU

Viewing Procedure RVUs

Adding Procedure RVU Rate Detail

Approving Procedure RVU Rates

Rejecting Procedure RVU Rates

Uploading Relative Value Units