Procedure RVU

Relative Value Units (RVU) are used in the OWCP Medical Fee Schedule that applies to the four programs under OWCP and is updated yearly. OWCP uses program-specific data and the most recent CMS Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory National Limit data to establish the RVU and CFs for clinical laboratory procedures provided under OWCP programs.

OWCP also devises its own RVU for durable medical equipment, supplies, and other items or services such as those described under procedure codes unique to the program (OWCP Codes), based on CMS data, state workers' compensation data, and OWCP program-specific data.

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Viewing Procedure RVUs

Managing Procedure RVU Details

Adding Procedure RVU Rate Detail

Approving Procedure RVU Rates

Rejecting Procedure RVU Rates

Uploading Relative Value Units