Rejecting Procedure RVU Rates

The area is updated through file maintenance when a procedure or revenue code RVU rate requires rejecting due to user error, or direction from DOL An RVU can be rejected quarterly, bi-annually, and/or annually.  Ensuring that inaccurate RVU rates are rejected from the WCMBP system prevents improper bill payment.

To reject Rates:

  1. In the Rate Settings tab, Select the Procedure RVU hyperlink.

The system displays the Manage Proc RVU Rates list page.

  1. From the Filter By drop-down menu, select a filter, enter a search term in the adjacent text box (a required field), and select Go.

For example, from the Filter By drop-down list, select Procedure Code and enter a wildcard search value (that is, %) in the adjacent text box, and then select Go.

The system displays an updated Manage Proc RVU Rates list page with records that match the filter criteria you entered.

  1. Select the rates that are In Review Status that you want to approve and select the Reject button.

The system displays a confirmation message.

  1. Select the OK button.

The system displays the Update Status page

  1. Enter any necessary comments in the Remarks field and click OK.

The system rejects the rate and displays the Manage Proc RVU Rates list page.

Related Topics

Procedure RVU

Viewing Procedure RVUs

Managing Procedure RVU Details

Adding Procedure RVU Rate Detail

Approving Procedure RVU Rates

Uploading Relative Value Units