Claimant Search
Access the claimant search feature by selecting Claimant Search from the Claimant tab menu. The Claimant List page then displays.
The Claimant List page allows you to search for and view a list of claimants using the Filter By drop-down and adjacent search fields. To use the filter, select a category from the Filter By drop-down, enter a search term or wildcard character (%) in the adjacent text field and select Go.
Note: You must enter a date in the adjacent search field in mm/dd/yyyy format when you select a date category from the Filter By drop-down. The wildcard character (%) cannot be used for date filters.
The results of your filtered search display, by default, the following columns of information about a claimant:
Claimant ID
Case Number
Case Status
Claimant Name
Date of Injury
When you select a Filter By category other than these, the page displays the above default columns, but also adds columns to display the information of the category you filtered on.
For example, if you filter on “Indicator Type” from the Filter By menu, the page shows the default category columns in the list above, but also adds the Indicator Type, Indicator Value, Indicator Start Date, and Indicator End Date columns to the display.
To view additional information about a claimant, select the hyperlink under the Claimant ID column to navigate to the claimant’s Demographic and Case Detail page.
Related Topics
Demographic and Case Detail Page
View Claimant Indicator History
Add Reference Grouping to a Claimant
Update Claimant Reference Grouping