Upload a Mass Adjustment File
To upload a mass adjustment file into the WCMBP system:
In the Bills tab, from the Mass Adjustment cascading menu, select Mass Adjustments.
The system displays the Mass Adjustment page.
From the Mass Action Type drop-down list, select an option to signify if you are performing an Adjustment, Resurrection, or Void.
Select the Submit Mass Adjustment XLS button.
The system displays the Mass Adjustment Detail page.
Select Browse.
The Open dialog box appears.
Select the file to upload and click Open.
The uploaded file must be in Excel (.XLSX) format.
The system displays an updated Mass Adjustment Detail page with the selected file displayed in the Filename field.
Select the Adjustment Source, Reason Code, and Cause of Overpayment from the drop-down lists, as required.
If applicable, check the checkboxes to identify if the mass adjustment should Staging For Review or if it is Provider Neutral.
Enter any comments in the Comment text box, if needed.
The system displays a completed Mass Adjustment Detail page.
Select OK.
The system displays a message box with the Mass Adjustment/Resurrect/Void Batch Number displayed, confirming that the mass adjustment file upload was successful.
Note the Mass Adjustment/Resurrect/Void Batch Number.
Select OK to return to an unpopulated Mass Adjustment page.