Mass Adjustment

A user can adjust a bill for several reasons including changes in policy, pricing, or defects and errors found on a bill. Use the process in this section to define criteria to adjust, void, or resurrect a large number of bills at one time, or a “mass adjustment.”

You can define a maximum of five (5) criteria for the adjustments. Once the information has been entered and verified, the WCMBP system processes the request during off-peak hours.

There are two ways to perform a mass adjustment. You can either enter the criteria directly or upload a file into the WCMBP system. If you want to create a file to be uploaded, it must be in Excel (.xlsx) file format and contain a list of TCNs that need to be mass adjusted.

Note: You must have administrative privileges to perform a mass adjustment.

Related Topics

Manage Bills

Enter a Mass Adjustment

Upload a Mass Adjustment File

Review Mass Adjustment Results