Enter a Mass Adjustment

To enter a mass adjustment:

  1. In the Bills tab, from the Mass Adjustment cascading menu, select Mass Adjustments.

The system displays the Mass Adjustment page.

  1. From the Criteria 1 drop-down list, select an option to perform the mass adjustment and enter a value in the adjacent text box for the selected option.

For example, select Claim Type as a Criteria 1 option and enter Professional (for Professional bills) in the adjacent text box.

You can specify up to five criteria on the page when performing a mass adjustment.

  1. (Optional) Repeat the preceding step for the remaining criteria, as needed.

  2. From the Mass Action Type drop-down list, select an option to signify if you are performing an Adjustment, Resurrection, or Void.

The system displays the Mass Adjustment Detail page.

  1. Select the options for the required fields from the drop-down lists (marked by *).

The required selections are Cause of Overpayment, Adjustment Source, and Reason Code.

  1. Check the Staging For Review and Provider Neutral checkboxes, if needed, and enter any comments (optional).

  2. Select Submit.

The system displays a “grayed out” Mass Adjustment Detail page with the “Mass Adjustment Batch Number” displayed, confirming that the type of mass adjustment you performed was submitted.

  1. Note the Mass Adjustment Batch Number.

  2. Select Cancel to return to an unpopulated Mass Adjustment page.

Related Topics

Mass Adjustment

Upload a Mass Adjustment File

Review Mass Adjustment Results