Viewing and Modifying an Age Range
To view or modify an age range:
From the Reference tab menu, click the Proc/Svc List Code hyperlink.
The system shows the Proc/Svc Codes page.
If the code you want to view is not shown on the page, select a category from the Filter By drop-down, enter a search term or the wildcard character (%) in the adjacent text box, and click Go.
The system displays the Proc/Svc Codes page with filtered results.
Select the Proc/Svc Code hyperlink for the code you want to view.
The system shows the Proc/Svc Details page.
In the Associated Age Range section, click the hyperlink under the Age Range column for the age range you want to modify.
The system displays the Associate Age Range Detail page. From this page you can modify the Include Exclude Flag, Start Date, and End Date fields.
Update the fields as needed and click Save.
The system saves the changes and refreshes the page.
Select Close to exit back to the Proc/Svc Details page.