Adding an Age Range
To add an age range to a Proc/Svc code:
From the Reference tab menu, click the Proc/Svc List Code hyperlink.
The system shows the Proc/Svc Codes page.
If the code you want to view is not shown on the page, select a category from the Filter By drop-down, enter a search term or the wildcard character (%) in the adjacent text box, and click Go.
The system displays the Proc/Svc Codes page with filtered results.
Select the Proc/Svc Code hyperlink for the code you want to view.
The system shows the Proc/Svc Details page.
Select the Add button above he Associated Age Range section.
The system displays the Add Age Range dialog.
Select the Program from the drop-down list.
The system refreshes the dialog and populates the Claim Type drop-down with options for the program you selected.
Select a claim type from the Claim Type drop-down.
Select the age range from the Age Ranges drop-down.
The system refreshes the dialog and automatically populates the From/To Year, From/To Month, From/To Day, and Created New Range fields with the appropriate values.
Select Include or Exclude from the Include Exclude Flag drop-down according to whether you want the new age range association with the Proc/Svc code to be included or excluded.
Enter or select the Association Start Date and Association End Date.
Select OK.
The system exits the dialog back to the Proc/Svc Details page where the added age range is now displayed in the Associated Age Range section with the status of “In Review.”