Adding a Modifier Code to a Proc/Svc Code

To add a modifier code to a Proc/Svc code:

  1. From the Reference tab menu, select the Proc/Svc List Code hyperlink.

The system displays the Proc/Svc Codes page.

  1. From the Filter By drop-down menu, select a filter, enter a search term in the adjacent text box (a required field), and click Go.

For example, from the Filter By drop-down list, select Description and enter a full search term or partial search term with the wildcard character (%) in the adjacent text box, and click Go.

The system displays an updated Proc/Svc Codes page with records that match the filter criteria you entered.

  1. Select the hyperlink under the Proc/Svc Code column for the code you want to view.

The system displays the Proc/Svc Details page.

  1. Select Associate Modifier from the Show menu.

The system displays the Associated Modifier List page.

  1. Select the Add button.

The system displays the Associate Code dialog.

Important Note: You must enter the required fields on the Associate Code dialog and then perform a filter search using the Go button to populate and the Available Codes list box.

  1. At the Associate Code field, select Modifier Code from the drop-down and enter the wildcard character (%) in the adjacent text field.

  2. Select the Program from the drop-down list.

The system refreshes the dialog and populates the Claim Type drop-down with options for the program you selected.

  1. Select a claim type from the Claim Type drop-down. (Optional)

  2. Select Include or Exclude from the Include Exclude Flag drop-down according to whether you want the new code association with the Proc/Svc code to be included or excluded.

  3. Select an Association Start Date and an Association End Date.

  4. Select the Go button to perform the filter search.

The system populates the Available Codes list box with codes that you can add to the To Be Associated Codes list box.

  1. Select the codes from the Available Codes list box that you want to associate and click the right double-arrow button to add the specified codes to the To Be Associated Codes field.

Note: Holding the Ctrl button allows you to select multiple codes at one time.

  1. When you have finished your selections, click OK.

The system saves the new code with a status of “In Review” and exits the dialog back to the Associated Modifier List page.

  1. To view the added facility code from the Associated Modifier List page, select Status from the Filter By drop-down, type “In Review” in the adjacent search field, and click Go.

The system displays the list of modifier codes that are in “In Review” status including the code you just added.

Related Topics

Associated Modifier

Viewing and Modifying Associate Modifier Codes

Approving or Rejecting an Associated Modifier Code