Approving Proc/Svc/Revenue Rates

The area allows users to Approve a rate which are in ‘In review’ status. Only approved rates will be used in adjudication of bills. This Approve action will be performed by the Rates approver on receiving a notification of a new rate getting added.

To approve Rates:

  1. In the Rate Settings tab, Select the Proc/Svc/Revenue Rates hyperlink.

The system displays the Manage Proc/Svc/Revenue Rates list page.

  1. From the Filter By drop-down menu, select a filter, enter a search term in the adjacent text box (a required field), and select Go.

For example, from the Filter By drop-down list, select Rate Type and enter a wildcard search value (that is, %) in the adjacent text box, and then select Go.

The system displays an updated Manage Proc/Svc/Revenue Rates list page with records that match the filter criteria you entered.

  1. Select the rates that are In Review Status that you want to approve and select the Approve button.

The system displays the Update Status page.

  1. Select the Retroactive checkbox if necessary (optional).

  2. Select a Reason Code (optional).

  3. Enter any necessary comments in the Remarks field and click the OK button.

The system approves the rate and displays the Manage Proc/Svc/Revenue Rates list page.

Multiple records can be mass approved by selecting the necessary records, selecting the Approve All button, and following the previous procedures.

Related Topics

Proc/Svc/Revenue Rates

Viewing Proc/Svc/Revenue Rates

Viewing and Modifying Proc/Svc/Revenue Rate Details

Viewing Proc/Svc Summary

Viewing Proc/Svc Code Modifier - General

Adding Proc/Svc/Revenue Rates

Rejecting Proc/Svc/Revenue Rates