Voiding a Bill from the Header Details Page
Use this procedure to void a paid bill that exists in the WCMBP system. A voided bill results in a payment recovery.
To void a bill:
In the Bills tab, click the Adjust/Void Bill hyperlink.
The system displays the Adjust Bills List page.
In the Adjust Bills List page, use the Filter By drop-down list to search for the bill to be voided.
For example, from the Filter By drop-down list select Claim Type, type P (for Professional bills) in the adjacent text box, and then click Go. Alternately, you can perform a Filter By search by Claimant ID of the bill to be adjusted to go directly to that bill.
The system displays the Adjust Bills List page with the results of your filter.
Select the hyperlink under the TCN column for the bill you want to void.
The system displays the Header Details page.
Make the necessary changes and click Save.
The system displays an updated Header Details page.
Select the Void button at the bottom of the page.
The system displays the Void Bill page.
Select a cause for the overpayment from the Cause of Overpayment drop-down menu.
Select the source from the Void Source drop-down menu.
Select the reason code from the Reason Code drop-down menu.
In the Adjust Bill page, click the Remittance Remark Reason drop-down list arrow.
Select a remittance remark reason from the Remittance Remark Reason drop-down menu.
Check the Provider Neutral checkbox, if applicable.
The Provider Neutral indicator is used for correcting any history of bills where the payment remains the same, but some of the elements on that bill have changed.
Add a comment in the Comment text box, as needed.
Select OK.
The system displays an updated Adjust Bills List page with the bill no longer listed.