Approving or Rejecting a Proc/Svc Code
To approve or reject a Proc/Svc code in “In Review” status.
From the Reference tab menu, click the Proc/Svc List Code hyperlink.
The system displays the Proc/Svc Codes list page. This page shows the Proc/Svc code, description, category, status, start and end dates, effective date, and group name.
To view Proc/Svc code in “In Review” status, select a Status from the Filter By drop-down, type “In Review” in the adjacent search field, and click Go.
The system refreshes the Proc/Svc Codes list page with the Proc/Svc codes in “In Review” status.
Select the hyperlink in the Proc/Svc Code column for the Proc/Svc code you want to approve or reject.
Select Approve or Reject.
The system displays the Update Status dialog.
Select a Reason Code (optional).
Enter any necessary comments in the Remarks field and click the OK button.
The system exits back to the Proc/Svc Codes list page where the Proc/Svc code shows the status of “Approved” or “Rejected.”