Adding a Proc/Svc Code
To add a Proc/Svc code:
From the Reference tab menu, click the Proc/Svc List Code hyperlink.
The system displays the Proc/Svc Codes list page.
Select Add.
The system displays the Add Proc/Svc Code dialog.
Enter the Proc/Svc code in the Proc/Svc Code field.
Select the Proc/Svc category from the Category drop-down.
Enter a short description of the Proc/Svc in the Short Description text box.
Enter a fuller description of the Proc/Svc in the Long Description text box.
Enter the number of units for the Proc/Svc in the Units field.
Select the unit type from the Unit Type drop-down.
Select the gender option from the Gender drop-down.
Enter the start date in the Start Date field.
Enter the end date in the End Date field (optional).
Select OK.
The system exits the dialog back to the Proc/Svc Code list page where the added Proc/Svc code shows a status of “In Review.”