Uploading Anesthesia Base Units

Rates are uploaded to be used in pricing of Anesthesia Bills. The files can be uploaded quarterly, mid-year, and yearly.

To upload Anesthesia Base Units:

  1. In the Rate Settings tab, select the Anesthesia Base Units hyperlink.

The system shows the Anesthesia Base Units list page.

  1. Select the Upload Rates button.

The system displays the Attachment dialog page.

  1. Select the calendar icon in the Effective Start Date field to choose the effective start date.

  2. Select the Choose File button to navigate to the file to be uploaded.

The file must be in Excel (.xlsx) format. The system will not upload any other file format.

  1. Select the OK button.

The file is uploaded, and the system displays the Anesthesia Base Units list page. The system also generates a Batch File Instance Number.

Important Note: The files must be uploaded in the respective chronological sequence that is assigned to the files (for example, 2017, 2018, and 2019, respectively). If the files are not uploaded in sequence, then a sequence validation error is displayed, and the file will not be uploaded. The user will need to re-upload the files in the correct chronological sequence.

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Anesthesia Base Units

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