Adding Charge Mode Rate

Users can use this page to configure special rates scenarios that do not fall under the other pre-defined Rate Setting methodologies. In this page, authorized users will define the Rate Type and the Rate Value for a Charge Mode.

To add Charge Mode:

  1. In the Rate Settings tab, select the Charge Mode hyperlink.

The system displays the Charge Mode list page.

  1. From the Filter By drop-down menu, select a filter, enter a search term in the adjacent text box (a required field), and select Go.

For example, from the Filter By drop-down list, select Charge Mode Description and enter a wildcard search value (that is, %) in the adjacent text box, and then select Go.

The system displays an updated Charge Mode list page with records that match the filter criteria you entered.

  1. Select the right-facing arrow to view the details page you want view.

The system displays the Manage Charge Mode Detail page.

  1. Select the Add button.

The system displays the Add Charge Mode Rate page.

  1. Select a Program Name.

  2. Select a Rate Type.

  3. Enter a Rate Value.

  4. Select a Start Date and an End Date.

  5. Select the Ok button.

The system saves the new rate and displays the Manage Charge Mode Detail page.

Related Topics

Charge Mode

Viewing Charge Mode

Viewing Charge Mode Details