Provider Portal - Retrieve HIPAA Batch Responses

The Retrieve HIPAA Batch Responses page provides a list of HIPAA responses and acknowledgments to your batch transaction uploads.

Note: The list does not automatically populate, so you must select a transaction type from the Transaction Type drop-down and click GO. You can narrow the filter results by selecting a category from the And drop-down(s), entering a search term in the adjacent search box, and clicking Go.

The list displays columns for the HIPAA file name, transaction type, status, upload date, TA1 response file name, and 999 response file name.

To view or download an uploaded batch file or response file, click the hyperlink under the appropriate column for the file you want to view or download.

At the pop-up dialog, select Open, Save, or Save As to open the file in a new window or save to a local drive.

Related Topics

Provider Portal

Provider Portal - Submit HIPAA Batch Transaction