Claimant Portal

The Claimant Portal is the external-facing version of the Workers' Compensation Medical Bill Process (WCMBP) system that enables claimants of the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP), along with claimant survivors and Authorized Representatives (ARs) of claimants, to view medical bill information online. The WCMBP system serves claimants of the following programs:

  • DCMWC - Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation
  • DEEOIC - Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation
  • DFEC - Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation
  • DLHWC - Division of Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation

To access the Claimant Portal, log in to OWCP Connect using the login credentials provided to you by OWCP. At the "Welcome" page, select your case number from the drop-down and click Go.

The Claimant Portal home page displays. The body of the page shows a My Reminders section that lists any alerts sent to you from OWCP. On the left is a navigation panel that provides hyperlinks to other information associated with your case:

  • Authorization History - Provides a history of authorizations for medical services received.
  • Bill History - Provides a record of medical bills associated with your case.
  • Eligibility Inquiry - Provides an inquiry page where you can determine your (or the claimant's) eligibility for services.
  • Correspondence - Shows a history of correspondence with OWCP.

For DEEOIC claimants, the Claimant Portal home page shows additional hyperlinks:

  • Part B Status - Enables you to view the status of your Part B claim under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Act (EEOICPA.)
  • Part E Status - Enables you to view the status of your Part E claim under the EEOICPA.

if you are a survivor of a DEEOIC claimant, the Claimant Portal home page shows only the Part B Status and Part E Status hyperlinks. The Authorization History, Bill History, Eligibility Inquiry, and Correspondence hyperlinks do not apply to survivor cases.

Related Topics

Claimant Portal - Authorization History

Claimant Portal - Claimant Bill Inquiry Search

Eligibility Inquiry


Claimant Portal - Part B Status

Claimant Portal - Part E Status