Vocational Rehabilitation/Nurse Bills

The Vocational Rehabilitation or Nurse Bills List page is a view-only page showing you vocational rehabilitation or nursing bills.

To view vocational rehabilitation/nurse bills:

  1. From the Bills tab, select the Vocational Rehabilitation/Nurse Bills hyperlink.

The system displays the Vocational Rehabilitation or Nurse Bills List page. The page shows you the control number along with the date submitted, program, bill type, status, submitter ID, approver or rejecter ID, district office, change district office, and TCN.

  1. To view more details about a bill, click the hyperlink under the Control Number column for the bill you want to view.

The system displays the view-only Vocational Rehabilitation or Nurse Bills Submission page. From this page you can view the provider and claimant names, diagnosis code category and code, authorization number, service period, total bill charges, modifier, and basic service line items details. The page also allows you to open or download an image attached to the bill.

  1. To view an attached image, click the hyperlink under the File Name column for the image you want to view.

The system opens the Download File dialog.

  1. Select Open to view the image, or click Save or Save As to first save a copy of the image to your local drive and then click Open to view the image.

The system opens the image is a separate window.

  1. When you are finished viewing the image, click the window exit icon to close the window.

  2. At the Vocational Rehabilitation or Nurse Bills Submission page, click Close to return to the Vocational Rehabilitation or Nurse Bills List page.

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