Resurrect a Bill from the Header Details Page
To resurrect a bill from the Header Details page:
From the Bills tab, click the Resurrect Bill hyperlink.
The system displays the Resurrect Bills List page.
Use the Filter By search criteria to search for the claim to be resurrected and then select Go.
For example, select Claim Type from the Filter By list, enter P (for Professional claims) in the adjacent text box, and then select Go.
The system displays an updated Resurrect Bills List page with records that match the search criteria entered.
Select the TCN hyperlink for the bill that you want to resurrect.
The system displays the bill Header Details page.
Make any needed updates to the header-level details, and then click Save.
The system displays the updated Header Details page.
Select the Resurrect button at the bottom of the page.
The system displays the Resurrect Bill dialog.
To add an error to force during re-adjudication of the resurrected bill, select the lookup arrow next to the Additional Errors to Force field in the Resurrect Bill dialog. This is an optional field.
The system displays the Additional Errors to Force dialog.
Do one of the following:
Perform a Filter search by Error Number, enter the error number in the adjacent text box, and then select Go to go directly to the error that you want to force.
In the Available Values list, select the additional error that you want to force.
Select the right double-arrow button to add the selected error to the Selected Values list.
Repeat the preceding steps to add any other additional errors you want to force.
Select OK.
The system returns to the Resurrect Bill page with the selected errors displayed in the Additional Errors to Force field.
At the Resurrection Reason Code field, select the resurrection reason code from the drop-down list (required).
Select the adjustment reason from the Adjustment Reason drop-down list (required)
Optional: Select a remittance remark reason from the Remittance Remark Reason drop-down menu.
If you wish to super suspend the claim, select the Super Suspend checkbox. A super suspend enables you to temporarily pause the adjudication of a bill that otherwise would be denied or paid so that the bill can be further reviewed and adjudicated for special reasons.
Enter a comment in the Comment text box (required).
Select OK.
The system displays the updated Resurrect Claims List page with the resurrected claim no longer listed.