Resolving Bill Errors from the Header Details or Service Line Detail Page
Resolve bill errors from the Header Details or the Service Line Detail page as well as the Resolve Claims List page. To resolve bill errors:
At the Resolve Bills List page, use the filter fields to search for bills that have errors that need to be resolved.
The system displays the Resolve Bills List page.
In the TCN column of the Resolve Bills List page, click the TCN hyperlink of the bill that you want to resolve.
The system displays the Header Details page for the selected TCN.
If required, modify any editable field(s), and click Save.
The system refreshes the Header Details page. This may take a few minutes.
Select the Resolve button at the bottom of the page.
The system displays the Resolve Errors page.
From the Error Action drop-down list, select an error action that you need for a specific error.
The system displays an updated Resolve Errors page with the selected error action.
If the Adjustment Reason column is blank, select the lookup arrow in the column to select an adjustment reason code for the edit or error.
The system displays the Resolve Errors page with the Adjustment Reason selection list highlighted.
Select the Adjustment Reason drop-down arrow to display a list of codes to select.
Select the Adjustment Reason code for the edit/error, and then click OK.
The system displays an updated Resolve Errors page with the selected adjustment reason code listed on the page. The adjustment reason code is hyperlinked.
If the Remittance Remark column is blank, select the lookup arrow in the column to select a remittance remark code for the edit or error. The system displays the Resolve Errors page with the Remittance Remark Reason list highlighted.
Select the Remittance Remark Reason drop-down arrow to display a list of codes to select from.
Select the Remittance Remark Reason code for the edit/error, and then click OK.
The system displays an updated Resolve Errors page with the selected remittance remark reason listed on the page. The remittance remark reason is hyperlinked.
If you are denying a claim, select the Add Denial reasons button.
The system displays the Add Denial reasons page.
Select a denial reason from the Available pane, and click the right double-arrow button.
The system displays an updated Add Denial reasons page with the selected denial reason listed in the Selected Denial Reason pane.
If additional denial reasons need to be added, repeat the preceding steps.
When all denial reasons have been added, click OK.
The system displays an updated Resolve Errors page with the additional denial reason(s) added to the page.
For a denied claim, you can enter an additional remittance remark by clicking the Add Remittance Remarks button.
The system displays the Add Remittance Remarks page.
You may need to use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the page to scroll across the Add Remittance Remarks page to view the Selected Remittance Remarks pane.
Select the remittance reason from the Available pane, then scroll horizontally across the page, and click the right double-arrow button.
If additional remittance remark reasons need to be added, repeat the preceding steps.
When all remittance remark reasons have been added, click OK.
The system displays an updated Resolve Errors page with the additional remittance remark(s) added to the page.
To add a comment to the entire claim, enter a comment in the General Comments text box about why you are resolving this specific claim. For example, “Invalid diagnosis.”
Select Save.
The system displays an updated Resolve Bills List page with the bill that was just resolved no longer listed.
The Notes page, which is accessible from the Show list in Header Details or Service Line Detail page, displays the comment(s) that you added.
To add a comment for a posted error, select the lookup arrow under the Comments column for the error for which you want to post a comment.
The system displays the Resolve Error page to enter comments.
Enter Comments, as required, and click OK.
The system displays an updated Resolve Bills List page that does NOT include the bill that was just resolved.
The Notes page, which is accessible from the Show list in Header Details or Service Line Detail page, displays the comment(s) that you added.