Referring Bill Errors from the Header Details or Service Line Detail Page
An alternative means to refer a suspended bill is from the Header Details or Service Line Detail page.
To refer bill errors at the Header level:
In the Bills tab, click the Resolve Bill hyperlink.
The system displays the Resolve Bills List page.
Use the filter fields to search for bills based on a specific error code.
For example, select Error Code from the Filter By list, enter an error code in the adjacent text box, and then click Go.
The system displays the filtered results on the Resolve Bills List page.
In the TCN column of the Resolve Bills List page, click the TCN hyperlink of the bill that you want to refer.
The system displays the Header Details page for the selected bill.
If required, change any editable field(s), and click Save.
The system refreshes the Header Details page. This may take a few minutes.
Select the Refer button, at the bottom of the page, to refer the claim.
The system displays the Refer To page.
Select the Location/Business Unit where the bill will be referred.
The system displays an updated Refer To page with the Location/Business Unit selected.
Enter a Comment, as required.
Select OK.
The system displays an updated Resolve Bills List page with the referred bill no longer listed.