Creating a New Foreign Bill
To create a new foreign bill:
From the Bills tab, select the Foreign Bills hyperlink.
The system displays the Foreign Bills List page.
Select the Create New Bill button.
The system displays the Foreign Bill Information page.
Enter the required fields on this page plus any of the optional fields as needed.
To upload a file or image for the bill, click the Upload button.
The system displays the Attachment dialog.
Select Browse and select the file to be uploaded.
Note that only PDF, TIF, or TIFF files can be uploaded.
Select OK.
The system returns to the Foreign Bill Information page where the uploaded file is now listed.
When you are finished on the page, click the Add Service Line Item button.
The system displays the updated Foreign Bill page and displays the submitted details in the Line Item Information list at the bottom of the page.
If necessary, click the Line No. hyperlink at the bottom of the page to make any changes to the line information and then click the Update Service Line Item button.
Select Submit Bill.
The system displays the Submitted Foreign Bill Details page with the newly generated TCN.
Select Submit to process the bill for adjudication.
The system displays a dialog message saying that the bill was submitted successfully.
Select OK to return to the Foreign Bill Information page and add another bill.
When you are finished, click Close to exit back to the Foreign Bills List page.