Adding a Disposition

To add a disposition:

  1. In the Error Code Details page, select Disposition List from the Show menu.

The system displays the Error Dispositions list page.

  1. In the Error Dispositions list page, click Add.

The system displays the Error Disposition Details page.

  1. Select the disposition criteria from the Disposition drop-down (required).

The options for an error disposition are as follows:

  • D-Deny

  • I-Ignore

  • P-Super Suspend

  • R-Pay and Report

  • S-Suspend

  1. Enter the date range in the Start Date and End Date fields (required).

  2. Select Next.

The system displays the Error Disposition Details - Programs page.

  1. From the Available list box, choose a program.

  2. Select the right double-arrow icon to move the chosen program to the Selected list box.

  3. Select Next.

The system displays the Error Disposition Details - PA Override page.

  1. To override the error disposition using the Authorization module, select Y (for Yes) from the Available list and add it to the Selected list, and then click Next; alternately, you can click Next without making any updates.

The system displays the Error Disposition Details - Disposition Category page.

  1. To select the source(s) of bills for which this error disposition is applicable, select one or more available source(s) from the Available list and add to the Selected list, and then click Next. This is a required field.

The system displays the Error Disposition Details - Bill Types page.

  1. To select the bill type(s) for which this error disposition is applicable, select one or more available bill type(s) from the Available list and add to the Selected list, and then click Next. This is a required field.

The system displays the Error Disposition Details - Summary page.

  1. Select Finish.

The system displays an updated Error Dispositions page with the updated Effective Date for the new disposition added.

  1. Select Close to return to the Error Code Details page.

  2. Select Save.

  3. Select Close to return to the Error Codes page.

  4. From the Filter By drop-down list on the Error Codes page, select Error Code and enter the newly added code number.

The system displays the updated Error Codes page with the newly added code.