Add Super Suspend Criteria
To add super suspend criteria:
In the Bills tab, click the Super Suspend Criteria hyperlink.
The system displays the Super Suspend Criteria list page.
Select the Add Criteria button.
The system displays the Add Criteria page.
In the Criteria Name field, enter the name of the criteria that you are adding (for example, Adjust), and from the Invoice Type drop-down list, select the type of invoice that applies to the specific criteria (required).
The system displays an updated Add Criteria page.
Note: The available bill type changes per the invoice type. For example, the available bill type option changes to Available Place of Service for a Professional invoice type.
Enter the claimant’s Social Security number in the Client SSN field.
For the Billing Provider field, select the identifier type from the drop-down menu and then select the lookup arrow to find the provider’s National Provide Identification (NPI) or tax ID.
From the Billing Provider NPI/Tax ID dialog box, select the appropriate provider and select OK.
The Add Criteria page is updated with your selection.
In the Servicing Facility NPI field, enter the NPI for the servicing facility or select the look up arrow to look up and select the NPI from the Servicing Facility NPI dialog box.
The Add Criteria page is updated with your selection.
Select the VISN facility from the VISN drop-down.
Select the station number from the Station Number drop-down.
Select the payment authority from the Payment Authority drop-down.
Enter the date range in the From Date and To Date fields.
Select the bill type(s), from the Available Claim Types list, to which the selected super suspend criteria applies, and then click the right double-arrow button.
The selected bill type(s) are displayed in the Selected Claim Type list.
Select the available media, from the Available Media list, to which the selected super suspend criteria applies, and then click the right double-arrow button.
The selected bill type(s) are displayed in the Selected Media list.
Select the available media from the Available Pricing Path list to which the selected super suspend criteria applies, and then click the right double-arrow button.
The selected pricing path(s) are displayed in the Selected Pricing Path list.
Select Save.
The system returns to an updated Super Suspend Criteria list page with the new criteria added to the page.